theTinker Ecosystem

Storing and Training 1% of humanities entire knowledge base yearly by 2034

Preventing the premature acquisition of advanced alternatives and the information crisis, to delay The Great Filter.

Providing a framework for education that is resilient to and in harmony with AI.

Giving you free and open education until the extinction of academia.

Important clarification: This will be explained at the decadal, but, we are currently NOT an accredited university. We hope to achieve accreditation by the end of our 10 year plan. We still, however, plan to provide equivalent resources and better education to that of your common overpriced University degree. Our university is FREE and OPEN; with all resources available to anyone anywhere anytime.

All researchers and students own 100% of their own IP but can choose to include it in our ecosystem of OPEN knowledge. We fund the resources necessary to provide our educational techniques to anyone so they can pursue their passion. We demonstrate the ability to create a: closed-loop, self-funded infrastructure supported by all sectors that facilitates the independent, passion-driven, resource-anchored education of K-Professional students.